General Terms and Conditions of TSY – Dunemann-Weiser-Pfahl-Weiser-Pfahl GbR
Terms and conditions for the certified seminar series TSY
These provisions apply to all offers from TSY Dunemann / Weiser / Pfahl GbR – on the premises of TSY Dunemann / Weiser / Pfahl GbR – as well as at other places of activity. They will be announced to the participants with the registration and will thus become part of the contract.
The terms and conditions and guidelines for basic and advanced training of the CULTURA Academy and the Academy of Cultures NRW / Free Academy for Holistic Development in Bochum are also an integral part of the contract ( ).
The training and further education are in cooperation with the CULTURA AKADEMIE and the Akademie der Kulturen NRW / Free Academy for Holistic Development (certified in the NRW seal of approval).
1 Scope
These terms and conditions apply to all offers from TSY GbR – on the premises of TSY GbR – as well as at other places of activity. They are announced to the participants when they register and thus become part of the contract.
The training course “Trauma-Sensitive Yoga TSY” is currently taking place at various locations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as in other European countries and is taught on several weekends. We reserve the right to make changes!
2. Registration
The registration takes place via the registration form on the Internet, which has to be filled out completely and sent to us via the “Submit” button. You will then receive a confirmation of registration and about 7 days before the start of the training course, a further notice / invitation letter.
2. a Non-competition clause
By registering, the participant agrees that they may not offer or carry out their own TSY training for up to 2 years after graduation.
2. b. Confidentiality obligation
As a participant in the Trauma Sensitive Yoga training, you agree to maintain confidentiality with respect to all personal data, social data, and business and trade secrets of other participants that become known to you during and after the training.
2. c Teaching materials and copyright
The program, teaching and/or other seminar documents and materials provided to the participant by TSY – Dunemann-Weiser-Pfahl GbR are protected by copyright and are intended exclusively for the personal use of the participant. The participant receives the program, seminar and other teaching materials and documents exclusively for his/her personal use. Any unauthorized disclosure of these documents and materials, even in parts or excerpts, by the participant is prohibited. In particular, disclosure to third parties, any kind of reproduction and dissemination, or otherwise making available to third parties is strictly prohibited, unless TSY Dunemann-Weiser-Pfahl GbR has given its prior written consent. TSY- Dunemann-Weiser-Pfahl GbR reserves the right to assert further claims for damages in the event of violations of the above provisions. Under no circumstances shall the participant have a right of retention to program, teaching and/or other seminar documents and/or materials.
3. Participation ability / liability
With the registration, the participant declares that there are no health concerns to prevent participation in courses. We reserve the right to refuse to participate in our training courses in the event of physical or psychological instability.
Participants use the premises and offers at their own risk. TSY GbR – is only liable in the case of gross negligence or willful misconduct for damage suffered by the participants and does not accept any liability for valuables brought by participants.
4. Personal data
All participants are hereby informed that their personal data will be stored electronically for processing purposes. The provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act are of course adhered to. The participants declare that they are ready to process and use their personal data to this extent.
The participants undertake to inform about any significant changes in their personal circumstances. This applies in particular to your bank details in the case of direct debit agreements, address and the elimination of circumstances that lead to price reductions being granted.
5. Payment terms
The participation fee is due upon conclusion of the contract and must be paid to the specified account no later than 14 days before the start of the training.
In the case of a SEPA direct debit mandate, we ask that you have sufficient funds in your account. In the case of non-collectable or rejected direct debits, TSY GbR is entitled to charge an expense allowance of € 10.
5.a Account details :
TSY GbR Sparkasse Neuss IBAN: DE49 3055 0000 0093 5264 65 BIC: WELADEDN
6th Termination / withdrawal
Any termination must be made in writing. Withdrawal or rebooking of individual modules is possible up to 30 days before the start of the modules. The withdrawal or rebooking must be made in writing.
The advanced training should be booked as a whole (basic seminars 1 to 3).
If the basic seminars cannot be booked in a row due to time constraints on the part of the participant, a processing fee of € 35 will apply. This also applies in particular if seminars are attended alternately in Switzerland, Austria or Germany or in other European countries.
If you withdraw from the 29th to 15th day before the start of a module, 50% of the course fee will be charged
If you withdraw from the 14th day before the start of a module, 100% of the course fee is due.
If you cancel or change your booking, a Processing fee of € 35 at. If you have paid your course fee in advance via PayPal, the PayPal fees would be charged in the event of cancellation, or these would be deducted from the transfer amount.
7. Change of offer / cancellation of offers due to lack of participants
TSY GbR – is entitled to change the training offer, the timetable, the opening times and the location of the course. In addition, the number of participants can be limited if this is necessary for the proper course of the training. In the event of illness, vacation or other hindrance of lecturers, we will endeavor to organize a substitute for the respective lecturer. If, in exceptional cases, this does not succeed, a training course can also be canceled once. We will endeavor to find a suitable replacement date. We reserve the right to make changes due to the lecturer’s illness or insufficient number of participants. We also reserve the right to cancel individual seminars up to 14 days in advance if the number of participants is too low (minimum 10 participants).
After successfully participating in individual seminars, the participant receives a Certificate of attendance. For the basic seminars 1 to 3 attended, the participants receive a final certificate on the content taught and Total duration.
8th. Accommodation and catering
In the series of offers in a seminar house, there is the possibility of booking a room and participating in the catering. Payment for accommodation is made directly in the seminar house on site.
9. Entry in the trauma yoga therapist directory on our homepage
For a processing fee of € 30, you can be included in the trauma yoga therapist directory for yoga teachers / therapists / psychologists, etc., sorted by zip code, so that those interested in trauma-sensitive yoga can be found. After publication, the one-time correction of this data is free of charge, each further revision costs a processing fee of € 15 .
10. Other
Oral side agreements are not made. Changes and additions to these terms and conditions and all membership contracts must be made in writing. The place of jurisdiction is Grevenbroich.
Should one or more provisions of membership contracts or these terms and conditions be or become ineffective, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
As of 01-2016
Conditions of participation
The training participant declares by his / her recognition that he / she has been sufficiently informed about the requirements.
The minimum age to register for further training is 18 years.
He / she assures that he / she is mentally and physically able to attend the class; In the case of acute illnesses, the general practitioner should be interviewed and the lecturer informed before attending the class. The willingness to self-experience in the course seminars is required.
For damage that does not result from injury to life, body or health, TSY Dunemann-Weiser-Pfahl GbR is only liable in the event of gross negligence or intent: liability is excluded for simple negligence.
Terms and conditions for the TYT training
These provisions apply to all offers from TSY Dunemann / Weiser / Pfahl GbR – on the premises of TSY Dunemann / Weiser / Pfahl GbR – as well as at other places of activity. Participants will be informed of them when they register and will thus become part of the contract.
The terms and conditions and guidelines for basic and advanced training at the CULTURA Academy and the Academy of Cultures NRW / Free University for Holistic Development in Bochum ( are also an integral part of the contract. profile/).
The training and further education are in cooperation with the CULTURA AKADEMIE and the Academy of Cultures NRW / Free Academy for Holistic Development. (certified in the NRW seal of approval)
1.a training objective
After successful participation, graduates of the training are able to recognize subtle signs of dissociation and other trauma-related disorders in themselves and others. They are familiar with various methods of using trauma-sensitive yoga (TSY) to lead those affected back into the here and now and to provide sustainable support in dealing with trigger situations. They can teach regulatory aids such as pranayama. The training enables them to work individually as well as in group settings with traumatized people with TSY. You have gained an overview of the subtle effects of different yoga techniques and developed a feeling for what could be helpful for whom. They know their own being shaped by their individual biography including possible trigger points. They know how to get themselves back into the middle when they have lost their composure. You have learned to understand the importance of group exchanges, supervision and intervision with or through colleagues. They have learned that the acceptance of human vulnerability gives the person concerned back their own dignity and they are increasingly able to maintain a benevolently accepting attitude even in unpleasant situations. You have come a little further on the way to dissolving identifications with current thoughts and feelings.
1.b Duration of training
The training to become a TRAUMA YOGA THERAPIST takes place over 2 years after attending the basic seminar 1 on 8 additional weekends. The training comprises a total of 144 TU (= 1 teaching unit of 45 min).
1.c. Certificate of completion
At the end of the course, participants receive a certificate of completion for participating in the entire training.
1.d Healing permit
Training to become a TRAUMA YOGA THERAPIST does not result in a healing permit . Permission to diagnose and treat patients can only be obtained through licensing as a doctor or psychological psychotherapist as well as through training as an alternative practitioner and alternative practitioner in psychotherapy.
1.e instructors / lecturers
The seminars are carried out by Angela Dunemann and / or Joachim Pfahl or lecturers trained by us. As a rule, the training weekends are taught by 2 lecturers. (Subject to change!)
1.f course fee
The deposit is € 350 and is due immediately upon booking non refundable .
The course fee for training to become a TRAUMA YOGA THERAPIST is as follows:
a. from attending basic seminar 2 (G-2 and 3 as well as A-1 to 6) = 2750, – €
b. from attending training seminars 1 to 6 (A-1 to 6) = 2100, – €
c. from attending basic seminar 1 (G-1 to 3 and A-1 to 6) = 3000, – €
1.g requirements
Participation in the training to become a TRAUMA YOGA THERAPIST is required
a. Attending basic seminar 1 as well as basic seminars 2 and 3 and
b. a yoga teacher training of at least 2 years or
c. psychotherapeutic training or
d. at least 3 years of professional experience in a health or social profession
The training can only be booked as a whole.
Requirements for completing the training
- Regular participation in all basic seminars and training seminars
- A demonstration 20 minutes
2. Registration
You can register using the registration form on the Internet or, if you wish, in writing. You will then receive a registration confirmation and an invitation letter with all the necessary information by email about 7 days before the respective training weekend.
2. a non-competition clause
By registering, the participant agrees that they will not offer and / or carry out any TRAUMA YOGATHERAPIST training for up to 3 years after completion.
2. b. Confidentiality obligation
As a participant in the Trauma Sensitive Yoga training, you agree to maintain confidentiality with regard to all personal data, social data, and business and trade secrets of other participants that become known during the training, both during and after completion of the training.
2. c Teaching materials and copyright
The program, teaching and/or other seminar documents and materials provided to the participant by TSY – Dunemann-Weiser-Pfahl GbR are protected by copyright and are intended exclusively for the personal use of the participant. The participant receives the program, seminar and other teaching materials and documents exclusively for his/her personal use. Any unauthorized disclosure of these documents and materials, even in parts or excerpts, by the participant is prohibited. In particular, disclosure to third parties, any kind of reproduction and dissemination, or otherwise making available to third parties is strictly prohibited, unless TSY Dunemann-Weiser-Pfahl GbR has given its prior written consent. TSY- Dunemann-Weiser-Pfahl GbR reserves the right to assert further claims for damages in the event of violations of the above provisions. Under no circumstances shall the participant have a right of retention to program, teaching and/or other seminar documents and/or materials.
3. Participation ability / liability
With the registration, the participant declares that there are no health concerns to prevent participation in courses. We reserve the right to refuse to participate in our training courses in the event of physical or psychological instability.
We reserve the right to have a personal conversation in advance of making a decision.
Participants use the premises and offers at their own risk. TSY GbR – is only liable in the case of gross negligence or willful misconduct for damage suffered by the participants and assumes no liability for valuables brought by the participant.
4. Personal data
All participants are hereby informed that their personal data will be stored electronically for processing purposes. The provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act are of course adhered to. The participant agrees to the processing and use of his personal data to this extent.
The participant undertakes to inform TSY Dunemann / Weiser / Pfahl GbR about all significant changes in their personal circumstances. This applies to changes in address and bank details in the case of direct debit mandates issued, as well as the elimination of circumstances that lead to price reductions being granted.
5. Payment terms
The entire participation fee is due upon completion of the registration. This must be paid to the account specified under 5.a no later than 14 days before the start of the training. The deposit is due immediately after registration, it amounts to € 350 and is non refundable .
A possible final payment will be made according to the selected payment options.
Var. 1 a) 2400, – € balance payment up to 14 days before the start of training (G-2 and 3, A-1 to 6)
Var. 1 b) 1750, – € balance payment up to 14 days before the start of the training (A-1 to 6)
Var. 1 c) 2650, – € balance payment up to 14 days before the start of training (G-1 to and A-1 to 6)
Installment payment:
Var. 2 a) Down payment € 350.00 plus 17 monthly installments of € 134.00 each and a final installment of € 122.00 (G-2 and 3, A-1 to 6))
Var. 2 b) Down payment € 350.00 plus 11 monthly installments of € 146.00 each and a final installment of 144.00 (A-1 to 6)
Var. 2 c) Down payment € 350.00 plus 20 monthly installments of € 132.50 each (G-1 to 3, A-1 to)
The installment can be paid by standing order or by SEPA direct debit mandate. In the case of a SEPA direct debit mandate, we ask you to ensure that there is sufficient funds in your account. In the case of direct debit mandates that cannot be collected or have been rejected, TSY Dunemann / Weiser / Pfahl GbR is entitled to charge an expense allowance of € 10.
5.a Account details:
TSY GbR Sparkasse Neuss IBAN: DE49 3055 0000 0093 5264 65 BIC: WELADEDN
5.b Resignation
Withdrawal from the training is possible free of charge up to 60 days before the start. The deposit of € 350 is excluded. The withdrawal must be made in writing.
From the 59th day before the start of the first module of the training, the following cancellation rules apply:
• From the 59th to the 30th day before the start of the first training module, 50% of the cancellation fee is due
• If you withdraw from the 29th day before the start of the first training module, 90% of the cancellation fee is due.
In the case of shortened participation, a reduction in the participation fee is not possible. A processing fee of € 35 will be charged in the event of withdrawal.
5.c Termination
Termination is possible at any time. The obligation to pay the entire participation fee remains unaffected. In the event of termination before the start of the training, the same applies to the participation fee analogous to 5.b. Withdrawal clause.
Any termination must be made in writing.
6. Missing course hours / training weekends
Every course participant can be expected to take part in all training weekends. If this is not possible in some cases, the training seminars that have not yet been attended can be made up for in the next training cycle. The completion of the training can only be confirmed after fulfilling the requirements (point 1.f).
6.a Termination of training in special cases
Should a permanent illness or long-term injury make it impossible for the participant to participate in the training, the modules not yet attended do not expire, but can only be made up for in the following training cycle. The completion of the training can only be confirmed after fulfilling the requirements (point 1.f). Seminars that the participant does not attend cannot be reimbursed.
If pregnancy occurs after the start of the training cycle, the training can be interrupted. The seminars not yet attended can be made up for in the next training cycle. The participation fee for seminars not attended cannot be reimbursed. The completion of the training can only be confirmed after fulfilling the requirements (point 1.f). If the participant renounces the interruption of the training and the catching up of the course dates, the statements under 5.b resignation clause apply. Illness, accident or pregnancy must be proven by a medical certificate.
7. Change of offer / cancellation of offers due to lack of participants
TSY Dunemann / Weiser / Pfahl GbR – is entitled to change the training offer, the program / schedule and the location of the training. In addition, the number of participants can be limited if this is necessary for the proper course of the training. We reserve the right to make changes due to the lecturer’s illness or insufficient number of participants. In the event of illness or other hindrance of lecturers, we will endeavor to organize a substitute for the respective lecturer. If this does not succeed in exceptional cases, a training weekend can also be canceled once. We will endeavor to find a suitable replacement date. We reserve the right to cancel the entire training if the number of participants is too low (minimum 10 participants) at least two months before the start of the 1st training seminar.
8. Teaching materials
The basis for the training is the textbook “Trauma-Sensitive Yoga – Post-Traumatic Growth” ( Published by Klett-Cotta Verlag ) In the training seminars, exercises are practiced to deepen the knowledge gained. After the TSY exercise cards are published (spring 2021, also by Klett-Cotta Verlag), they will also form the basis for the practical part. Bring comfortable clothing, writing materials and a notebook (resource diary) to update your own experiences with you. All teaching materials that you receive are for your own use only. These may not be passed on, changed, reproduced or used for any other purpose – not even in extracts. They are subject to the copyright of the individual lecturers and TSY Dunemann / Weiser / Pfahl GbR.
9. other
Verbal ancillary agreements shall be deemed not to have been made. Changes and additions to these terms and conditions and all contracts must be made in writing. Should one or more of the provisions of these terms and conditions be or become ineffective, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany. The place of jurisdiction for both contractual partners is Grevenbroich
Status: 10/2020