Lecturer Barbara Martinuzzi
BSc, MSc psychologist, yoga teacher
Has been working full-time for over 16 years in a private clinic in Vienna as an office manager and marketing and PR coordinator
Freelance & volunteer work
2000 Association Selbstlaut “Prevention of Sexual Abuse of Children and Young People”, Vienna: Sponsoring activities, processing of funding applications
Since 2007 own yoga and meditation practice
2010 – 2012 Veda Vital, Vienna: Training for Yoga teacher
2012 University of Vienna, Faculty of Psychology: Adaptive Intelligence Diagnostic, AID-2 certification course for children and adolescents from 6-16 years, individual tests carried out individually and in schools under supervision
02/2012 – 08/2012 Sanatorium Maimonides Center, BLPP – Böhmer Laufer, Vienna: Individual psychosocial care for Jewish residents, management of the memorial group, organization of excursions
2013 University of Vienna, Faculty of Psychology: Adaptive Intelligence Diagnostic, AID-3 standardization for children and adolescents from 6-16 years, group tests carried out in Austrian schools in Vienna, Lower Austria, Salzburg
2013-2014 University of Vienna, Faculty of Psychology : Project study and participation in CENOF (Central European Network of Fatherhood), Project V: Maximized Fatherhood: Influences on emotion regulation and stress management in vulnerable toddlers. Carrying out the father study in Vienna and Lower Austria, focus: attachment quality, play behavior, child development at the age of 1-5.5 years
01/2012 – 06/2014 The Vienna Adult Education Centers: Teaching spine gymnastics and yoga
since 09/2015 yoga teacher in private practice, Vienna
12/2015 – 09/2020 Voluntary care for an Afghan refugee family
2016 University of Vienna, Faculty of Psychology: Bachelor of Science
since 2017 Austrian working group for group therapy and group dynamics, ÖAGG, Vienna: Propaedeutic course (1st Part to Training as a psychotherapist )
2018 – 2019 Trauma-sensitive yoga, TSY ingradual®, Munich, Vienna: Internship and assistance in basic training
04/2019 University of Vienna, Faculty of Psychology: Master of Science : “The father-child game in the focus of attachment quality, affiliation and power motives”
05/2019 Trauma-sensitive Yoga, TSY ingradual®, Vienna: Graduation from Trauma-sensitive yoga therapist
since 06/2019 Yoga Pushpa, Vienna: 4-year training for BYO / EYU certified yoga teacher
03/2020 – 06/2020 Traumahilfe Österreich COVID19-Helpline, Vienna: Psychosocial telephone counseling for people in quarantine
since 09/2019 e.motion association, soc. Med. Center Otto Wagner Spital, Vienna: Psychosocial internship in individual and group therapies using
Equotherapy (animal-assisted therapy with horses) of children and adolescents affected by grief, trauma, disability or illness
are affected or stuck in life crises
Since 2021 trauma-sensitive yoga, TSY ingradual®: Co-lecturer in basic training
Member of the Professional Association of Austrian Psychologists(BÖP), Vienna
Member of the e.motion – Equotherapy Association, Vienna
Member of the Professional Association of Yoga Teachers in Austria(BYO), Vienna
Member of the TSY – Traumasensibles Yoga eV association, Jüchen